Episode 90: A Shot in the Clarke
It's #GoKingsGo Season Preview time! We dissect and predict the fortunes of every #NHL team and spend the rest of the time gushing about...
Episode 80: The Road Warriors
It's a much needed break for most #NHL teams, but is it for #GoKingsGo who are absolutely on FIRE? That's right, the #LAKings are on a...
Episode 79: Stuck on Lemieux
New Year, New #LAKings! Kinda. We break down the holiday season and all it had to offer for #GoKingGoand the #NHL. Happy 2022!
Episode 77: Win City
Three straight wins for the #LAKings means we're going to try and be super optimistic in this episode! #GoKingsGo are trending upward...
Episode 76: What's Eating Vilardi, Gabe?
2 games down, 80 to go for #GoKingsGo. We take a look at how the opening week of the season went for the #LAKings and the #NHL as a whole!